The following articles have been selected because they are considered to contribute towards the values of Equal Access International, which is promoting a Quranist1 approach, whilst understanding the original Islamic message as one that is in unity, rather than opposing, the previous Holy Books. Despite this, as in any recommended Book List, not all of the views represented below are supported by this website.
General Islamic Studies
The-Charge-of-Distortion-of-Jewish-and-Christian-Scriptures_Abdullah Saeed
A Piecemeal Quran furqan and its meaning
Badawi-Qurans connection with Syriac
DONNER Centralized authority in Islam
Donner The Role of Nomads in the Near East
Reynolds quran syriac bible Oxford studies 2015
What do we actually know about Muhammad
Qur’anic Studies
1Footnote: A Quranist approach is one that emphasises the values of the Qur’an, generally reads the contextually rather than that of a literalist, and de-emphasizes later Islamic writings that form the basis of much of the Sharia Law.