The Quranist Movement With Islam
Dear Friends,
Over the past few months, I have mentioned about Muslim traditions that evolved over centuries that would seem to contradict the Qur’an and its context.
A segment within Islam, often refer to themselves as being “Qur’an centric” (or Qur’anist) in contrast do not believe these later Muslim traditions. One of the better Qur’an centric websites contains systematic short studies of over 100 Muslim beliefs that are not in the Qur’an. I have uploaded 10 of these studies; Click Here to view some of these under the section “Qur’an Studies”. Some of these misconceptions include:
Tradition | Qur’an’s Teaching |
Blindly Following | Q.S 5:104 - Use your intellect |
Islam, a name of a religion | Q.S 28:53 - Islam is submission, not religion |
Arabic is superior | QS 14:04 – The Qur’an is in Arabic so local people could understand. |
Allah is the only God | QS 17:110 - Allah is not an exclusive name for God |
Child Brides | QS 4:006 - Marriage permissible only after Bride evidences sound judgement |
Women to earn less | QS 4:32 - No differentiation |

This week we are also excited to introduce another partner of Equal Access International, See Link Here. Its’me (www.itsme.id ) is bringing solutions to Muslims Families, as well as re-educating Muslims on various misunderstandings such as those listed above. It is privilege to be able to partner with them.
Warm Regards